AFTER SCHOOL REGISTRATION FORM Enrolment Contact us by filling out the form below. General InformationGeneral InformationParent Full NamePhone*Email*Student's Name*DNI / Passport*CatSalutSchool GradeActivities for adultsActivities for AdultsSpanish for beginnersSpanish IntermediateEnglish for adultsSweat & ConnnectRunning ClubActivities FoundationFoundationPre sport (Mon) F3Multisport (Mon –Wed) F4Pre jazz (Mon- Wed)Little Einsteins (1 day - Th) F3-F4Little Mozarts (1 day - Tue) F3-F4Little Einsteins + Little Mozarts (Tue - Th)Choir (Tue- Th) F5Book Club (Wed - Fri) F5Piano Lessons (Mon- Wed) F5Judo (Tue - Th) F4 & F5Football Academy (Mon - Wed) F5Art & Storytelling (Wed) F3Art & Mindfulness (Tue) F4-F5Activities Y1 - Y5Y1 to Y5Chinese (Tue – Th)Spanish ( 1 day – Wed)Basketball (Tue – Th)Football (Mon – Wed)Judo (Mon –Wed)Judo (Tue – Th)Table tennis (Y4 to Y5) - (Mon – Wed)Table tennis (Y4 to Y5) - (Tue –Th)Chess (1 day – Th)Robotics (1 day – Wed)Jazz (Y1 to Y3) - (Mon –Wed)Jazz (Y4- Y5) –(Tue- Th)Piano (Mon –Wed) F5-Y1Piano (Tue – Th) Y2 -Y5Art (1 day – Th)Choir (Tue-Th)Book Club (F5- Y5) - (Wed - Fri)English for Kids (Tue - Th)English for Kids (Mon - Wed)Guitar lessonsViolin lessonsActivities Y6 - Y12Y6 to Y12Chinese (Mon – Wed)Basketball (Tue – Th)Football (Mon – Wed)Self-defense (Mon – Wed)Self-defense (Tues – Th)Trail running (Y7-Y12) – 1 day*Chess (Th)Designing Videogames (Tue)Intro to Filmaking (Mon) 1st semesterYoutube Creators (Mon) 2nd semesterBoard Games Club (Wed)Piano (Tue – Th)Volleyball (Mon- Wed) Y6- Y8Volleyvall (Tue - Th) Y9 -Y10English for Teens (Tue- Th)Yoga for secondaryYoga for IBAdditional InformationAdditional InformationPlease, specify any details we should know aboutConsent of image rights for audiovisual material for educational purposesYesNoTerms and Conditions*YesNoPaymentPaymentType of payment*Direct DebitBank TransferCard Payment at SchoolSend Error occured. Please confirm your data and submit again: